Years ago, the leaders of two prominent families agreed on a treaty that would cloak the forbidden shadows of desire with darkness, hiding a romance that was never supposed to happen. An ultimate betrayal momentarily broke the organization apart. Now, the group has reformed with new rules, new values, and new ruthless ways of silencing their enemies.

Dark Trinity Stories
Ordered from newest release to oldest.
Fractured HarmonyMask UnburnedThe Secrets We Create: SinceerChoke and Stroke AcademyThe Secrets We EscapeSmoke After HoursRuined VowsCrowned MaddensIn Creed We TrustAll Hail Queen DuchessRyker's Last SalvationMr. Straight Up No ChaserSinfully Sweet ConfessionsTo Hollis and ObeyMake Them ConfessF-Boy ConfessionsMake Me ConfessGrown Folks ConfessionsClaiming Keaton's SanctuaryTwo Dirty SantasThrone of a PharaohLove Always, TristanJedidiah's Crowning GloryTo Marry a MaddenSins of a SaintFace Down FridaysCarter's UndoingCaden's SituationshipBlack FridayClaimed By CraysonBlessed By Malakai