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Investigative Reporter Rule #1: Never get too close to the subject of your story. Up until now, I’ve been able to separate business from real life. Yet, the more up close and personal I get to him, the more difficult it is for me to back away. With each penetrating stare, he sucks me in deeper. His kisses are as lethal as his words. He has secrets that could cost me my job and put me in danger. So why do I feel like he’s dangerous for all the right reasons.
Street Fighter Rule #1: Never underestimate your opponent. I don’t know much about her, so I definitely shouldn’t trust her. She has me opening up in ways I’ve never done with anyone. Steering clear of her at all costs should be my goal. Yet with each conversation, I uncover more layers. She’s hiding something. Then again, so am I. The more I’m with her, the harder I fall. Now I need to figure out if I’m the one putting her life at jeopardy, or is she the one risk I never saw coming.